Sand Hollow Winery Media Kit

We are happy to provide our company logos for certain approved uses, including:

  • As an official sponsor
  • Business documents
  • Plaques or signage commemorating one of our companies
  • Approved wearables and/or branded materials

Each of our logos can be downloaded below in high-resolution formats.

Once downloaded, please reference the below style guide for logo usage and style guidelines.

License Agreement
If the usage is approved as noted above, Sand Hollow Winery grants you a revocable license to use Sand Hollow Winery’s company logo in referential context to Sand Hollow Winery, provided:

  • Your product or service name is independent from, does not resemble, and does not include a Sand Hollow Winery company or name as part of its name.
  • Your product or service cannot be confusing to, or construed by, the general public as originating from Sand Hollow Winery.
  • Your use must be presented in a way that is not false or misleading with regard to Sand Hollow Winery.
  • You do not modify the Sand Hollow Winery’s logo in any way.
  • Any reference or use of Sand Hollow Winery’s logo cannot imply false endorsement, sponsorship, or association with you, your company, or your product or service and cannot be misleading, or derogatory to Sand Hollow Winery’s or its corporate reputation.